On the sacred Arbudachal mountain, there lived a devoted couple named Aahuk and Aahuka, both ardent worshippers of Lord Shiva. To test their unwavering devotion, Lord Shiva disguised himself as a hermit named Yatinath and appeared before them. Aahuk, recognizing the divine nature of his guest, warmly welcomed him and treated him with utmost respect.

Yatinath, actually Lord Shiva in disguise, then humbly requested shelter for the night. Aahuk, expressing his limitations due to a small hut, hesitated. However, Aahuka intervened, urging her husband to sacrifice his comfort and sleep outside to accommodate their guest. Despite his reluctance, Aahuk agreed, and that night, Yatinath and Aahuka slept inside the humble abode, while Aahuk lay outside.

Tragically, during the night, Aahuk met his demise at the hands of a wild animal. In the morning, grief-stricken, Lord Shiva revealed his true form and witnessed the unfortunate event. Aahuka, undeterred by the tragedy, decided to embrace self-sacrifice by leaping into a burning pyre.

Touched by their unwavering devotion, Lord Shiva blessed the grieving Aahuka. He foretold that Aahuk would be reborn into a royal family as Nala, while Aahuka would incarnate as Damayanti. Promising divine intervention, Lord Shiva pledged to appear in the form of a swan to facilitate their reunion.

With these words, Lord Shiva manifested himself as an immovable Shivalinga, known thereafter as Achaleshwar Linga. This sacred linga became a symbol of the divine blessings bestowed upon Aahuk and Aahuka, ensuring their destined union in their next lives as Nala and Damayanti.

Table of Content

Avatar Info

Lord Shiva presented Yatinath avatar as one of his major incarnations and in this he promoted the importance of guest. Through this incarnation, Lord Shiva tried to teach that hospitality is of utmost importance and that it can also be manifested in the form of sages and saints.

In Yatinath avatar, Lord Shiva manifested himself as a yeti and came to the Bhil couple. Through this incarnation, he gave the Bhil couple the opportunity to face the test. They came here to see how a host is treated and how to be welcomed.

Lord Shiva, knowing that the Bhil couple were losing their lives, resolved to unite them by appearing in his next incarnation in the form of a swan. Through this loving act, he gave the Bhil couple a unique experience of self-surrender and immaculate love.

Through this story, we get to learn that Lord Shiva, through his incarnations, not only imparted religious teachings, but also maintained relationships with his devotees and guided them towards spiritual progress.


The Yatinath avatar of Lord Shiva unfolded as a profound test of the virtues of a tribal couple celebrated for their boundless hospitality. In the rustic landscapes where simplicity adorned their lives, a tribal man named Aahuk and his devoted wife epitomized the essence of generosity.

One day, the divine disguised himself as Yatinath and appeared at the humble abode of Aahuk and his wife. Little did the tribal couple know that this encounter would become a divine examination of their values. Known far and wide for their exceptional hospitality, Aahuk and his wife extended their warmth to the disguised guest, unaware of the celestial test that awaited them.

As destiny would have it, a formidable challenge arose in the form of a wild boar, a menacing threat that sought to disrupt the tranquility of their lives. Aahuk, embodying the spirit of hospitality, courageously confronted the peril, valiantly risking his life to protect the divine guest.

In the ensuing struggle, Aahuk, the tribal man of unwavering principles, succumbed to the unforeseen danger. However, instead of succumbing to grief, his wife, driven by an extraordinary sense of pride, revered her departed husband for the ultimate sacrifice he made in the name of hospitality. She saw his selfless act as a testament to the sacred values they held dear—values that transcended personal loss and embraced the sanctity of guesthood.

In the divine unfolding of events, the Yatinath avatar not only tested the tribal couple’s hospitality but also elevated their spirits to a realm where selflessness and sacrifice became the ultimate expressions of virtue. The wife, undeterred by the tragedy, stood tall in her acknowledgment of her husband’s valor, turning what seemed like a moment of loss into a celebration of noble ideals that resonated with the divine approval embedded within the Yatinath avatar’s intricate plan. The tale of Aahuk and his wife thus became a timeless testament to the enduring power of hospitality, sacrifice, and the divine presence in the ordinary moments of life.

Place of Avatar

According to religious scriptures, near Arbudanchal mountain, Bhil yogis named Ahuka and Ahuka, once living devotees, were capable of meditation and worship. His life was able to establish the uniqueness of his amazing devotion to Lord Shiva.

Ahuka and Ahuka had their minds focused on the Shiva temple perched on the top of Arbudanchal mountain, taking in the natural beauty around them. He was engaged in constant remembrance and worship of Shiva, making his life ideal with meditation and devotion.

As a result of his devotion to Shiva and penance, he attained the heights of spiritual realization and inspired the religious community in his support. The lives of these Bhil Yogis are an example of how it is possible to guide humanity towards divinity through the deepest meditation and ideal living.


According to mythology, Yatinath incarnation of Lord Shiva appeared with a special purpose. This incarnation has been inspired by Devi Bhagwat Mahapuran.

Lord Yatinath was born specifically to inspire his devotees with the importance of meditation and penance. In this incarnation, Lord Shiva appeared in the form of a Yogi Sadhu and guided his followers in spiritual rituals and sadhana.

Through Yatinath incarnation, Lord Shiva promoted the importance of renunciation, restraint, and spiritual practice in human life and inspired his devotees on this path. As such, his birth became part of a unique religious message that inspires humanity to follow the spiritual path.