Lord Shiva took the Suntanartak incarnation for the growth of his family and to please Mother Parvati. In this incarnation, Lord Shiva took the form of dancing, thereby concealing his identity. In this form, he aimed to make Mother Parvati see his true form.

Sunatnartak avatar of lord shiva

The story discusses the previous birth of Mother Parvati, her devotion, and her amazing love for Lord Shiva. Mother Parvati struggled to fulfill her wish by being absorbed in penance and devotion, which made her successful in getting the darshan of Lord Shiva. This story proves that God’s blessings are achieved through love and dedication.

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Father Himachal, who had decided to keep his promise to Suntanartak, one day found himself in a dilemma. At the time of Sunatanataka’s examination he had promised to evaluate his gift, but he was distracted by Sunatanaataka’s amazingness. There was a lack of enthusiasm and support on their faces, because the form of Suntanartak was extremely mysterious.

Himachal, full of thoughtfulness, came out from there in the dilemma of Sunatanataka. As they went, they understood the mysterious form of Sunatanataka at every step and finally got the privilege of seeing Mother Parvati in her true form.

Inspired by this experience, Mother Parvati spoke to her father Himachal about Suntanartaka’s true form and obtained his consent to marry her. Father Himachal left his dilemma and decided to marry Mother Parvati’s favorite deity, Lord Shiva. In this form, love and faith overcome the dilemma and a new era begins, enlivened by the love and marriage of Mother Parvati and Lord Shiva.


In Hindu religion, Nataraja incarnation of Lord Shiva is important and there are many stories prevalent which explain the necessity of this incarnation. Nataraja incarnation of Lord Shiva is important in the meaningful perspective of his dance art and life.

Lord Shiva is called Mahakal and Nataraja, which mean ‘Great Dramataker of Time’ and ‘King of Dance’. In the scene of Nataraja incarnation, Lord Shiva performs the Tandava dance, thereby symbolizing the process of creation, state, and destruction. This dance is the constant beginning and end of the universe.

According to one prominent legend, the need for this incarnation arose when Takara arose for a place between the gods Brahma and Vishnu. Lord Shiva proved his importance in all directions by his dance and inspired them to contemplate peacefully.

Through this incarnation, Lord Shiva conveyed the dramatic nature of the world by showing the continuous flow of creation and cessation of creation. The Nataraja incarnation represents the almighty and omnipresent personality of Lord Shiva, who is the creator, sustainer, and destroyer of the entire cosmic drama.

Place of Avatar

There was a time when Mother Parvati was engrossed in meditation and penance in the forest. At that time, a Brahmin celibate arrived there and asked him the reason for his penance. Mother Parvati told with a clear heart that her penance was due to the desire to attain Lord Shiva.

The Brahmins, celibates, started criticizing Mahadev in various ways. Mother Parvati became very angry after seeing so much arrangement in his demerits. Thus, to maintain their devotion and dedication towards their beloved Lord in the face of opposition, Mother Parvati manifested her Adi Shakti.

As a result, seeing the Brahmin Brahmachari appearing in his true form, Mother Parvati offered him to take him to Kailash. But, on this the celibate prayed to the mother to get the willpower to attain Lord Shiva through his prayers and fasting.

Lord Shiva accepted the marriage proposal of Mother Parvati by asking for her father’s hand, due to which this incident became the beginning of the marriage of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati. As a result, they jointly engage in meditation and penance and accompany each other to Kailash, where they experience the unique soul connection.


There was a time when father Himachal was in a dilemma because he had promised Suntanartak to pay him the price as per his promise. Seeing their dilemma, Sunatanataka left them and went away, but during their journey he continued to appear to Mother Parvati in her true form.

Mother Parvati told her father Himachal about the true nature of Suntanartak and proposed her for marriage with him. At this crucial time, father Himachal, understanding the words of mother Parvati and feeling her love, decided to give consent for the marriage with Suntanartaka.

As a result of this decision, Mother Parvati and Suntanartak got married to Lord Shiva. It was through this marriage that Suntanartak became a devotee of Lord Shiva and his power absorbed him in the unique ecstasy of Mahadev.

As such, this story shows us that with devotion and love to attain one’s beloved deity any difficulty can be overcome and all problems can be solved only by the grace of God.