Piplad, an incarnation of Lord Shiva, has an exciting story that took place in the house of his devotee Dadhichi Rishi. This story is an example of devotion, compassion, and special contribution.

Piplaad Avatar of lord shiva

Lord Shiva took the incarnation of Piplad in the house of sage Dadhichi. Dadhichi Rishi was an extremely ascetic and devotional sage. His household was engrossed in penance and meditation and his penance pleased Lord Shiva. God decided to incarnate in his house to increase his devotion in the establishment.

However, Piplad’s father had left his home as soon as he was born, so he did not know his father’s identity. In his childhood, Piplad spent his time in penance and meditation and engaged in the worship of Lord Shiva. His heart was full of devotion and he was able to follow his human dharma.

Growing up, Piplad learned that his father had to leave home due to the ill effects of Shani. When he was saddened to know this, he blamed Shani for reclaiming his father. On this, he decided to curse his father.

Piplad’s penance and his previous virtue pleased the Lord, and he appeared before him to free him from the curse. In recognition of Shani, Piplad promised Shani not to trouble anyone for 16 years. This liberated his father and gave him the opportunity to live a happy life in his penance again.

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In the sacred tapestry of Hindu mythology, there exists a poignant tale of Lord Shiva’s compassionate avatar, Piplaad, bestowed upon Sage Dhatichi. This divine incarnation unfolds with intricate layers of devotion, familial strife, and cosmic repercussions.

Sage Dhatichi, a venerable ascetic immersed in profound austerities, found himself graced by the divine presence of Lord Shiva. The lord, in his infinite compassion, decided to take an avatar in the form of Piplaad, the son of Sage Dhatichi. However, destiny took an unexpected turn as Dhatichi, driven by ascetic detachment, chose to renounce familial ties even before Piplaad’s birth.

This abandonment left Piplaad in a state of emotional turmoil, grappling with the profound question of why his father had forsaken him. In his quest for answers, Piplaad turned to the Devas, celestial beings endowed with cosmic wisdom. The Devas revealed the heart-wrenching truth—that Dhatichi had been compelled to sever familial bonds due to the malefic influence of the planet ‘Shani’ (Saturn). The planetary alignment at that time necessitated such a sacrifice for the greater cosmic balance.

Upon learning the cosmic reasons behind his father’s actions, Piplaad’s heart overflowed with a mix of sorrow and understanding. However, the pain he harbored for Shani Deva, the celestial body responsible for his father’s departure, led Piplaad to pronounce a curse upon Shani. The potent words of the curse initiated a cataclysmic event—the fall of Shani from its celestial abode, signifying the profound impact of divine pronouncements on the cosmic order.

Yet, the compassionate spirit of Piplaad did not revel in Shani’s descent. Instead, his heart yearned for resolution and reconciliation. In a gesture that echoed the divine virtue of forgiveness, Piplaad extended clemency to Shani Deva. However, this forgiveness came with a condition—a divine pact that Shani would not afflict or trouble anyone before the age of 16.

This condition, rooted in compassion and tempered by the wisdom of a celestial being, serves as a unique aspect of the Piplaad avatar. It is believed that those who invoke and worship this benevolent form of Lord Shiva find solace and liberation from the malefic effects of Shani Dosha, the astrological affliction associated with the planet Saturn.

The Shiva Purana, a venerable scripture narrating the glories and manifestations of Lord Shiva, immortalizes this avatar as Piplaad. Lord Brahma himself is said to have bestowed this name upon the compassionate form of Shiva, forever etching it in the annals of divine lore.

In essence, the tale of Piplaad encompasses the profound interplay between destiny, devotion, and the cosmic forces that shape the intricate dance of existence. It serves as a timeless reminder of the transformative power of forgiveness, the significance of understanding cosmic alignments, and the enduring benevolence of the divine in the face of cosmic tribulations.


The divine incarnation of Piplaad, a manifestation of Lord Shiva, unfolds within the sacred abode of Rishi Dadhichi’s household. In the celestial chronicles, it is narrated that Shiva assumed the form of Piplaad in response to cosmic intricacies and destined events.

The sage Dadhichi, despite his esteemed position, found himself compelled to leave his own dwelling due to the celestial positioning of the planet Shani (Saturn). The cosmic energies dictated this separation for the greater harmony of the universe. It was during this time that Lord Shiva chose the sanctified womb of Rishi Dadhichi’s home for his divine incarnation as Piplaad.

Piplaad, born amidst celestial alignments and cosmic forces, soon learned of the circumstances surrounding his father’s departure. Filled with a mix of sorrow and understanding, Piplaad sought recourse to address the cosmic imbalance. In an emotional outpouring, he cursed Shani, causing the planet to fall from its celestial abode—a testament to the profound impact that divine pronouncements hold in the cosmic order.

However, the compassionate nature inherent in Piplaad prevailed. Over time, he chose to extend forgiveness to Shani, but not without setting conditions. Piplaad, in his magnanimity, forgave Shani on the solemn condition that the planet would refrain from troubling or afflicting anyone before they reached the age of 16.

This divine pact, borne from the benevolence of Piplaad, carries significant astrological implications. It is believed that worshipping the Piplaad form of Lord Shiva holds the key to alleviating the malefic influence of Shani dosha—a term used to describe astrological afflictions associated with the planet Saturn. Devotees who turn to Piplaad in earnest prayer seek protection and relief from the challenges posed by Shani dosha, finding solace in the divine compassion of Lord Shiva in this unique incarnation.

Place of Avatar

Brahmaji, who was born under the Peepal tree, named the child Pippalad, who became a favorite devotee of Lord Shiva. With this unique birth, he was blessed by all the gods and completed his rituals.

Both Maharishi Dadhichi and his wife Suvarcha were particularly devoted to Lord Shiva. His unmatched devotion and methodical penance made him the recipient of divine grace. Lord Shiva, through this devotion and penance, incarnated in the form of Pippalada in the house of Maharishi Dadhichi.

Pippalada was born under the sacred Peepal tree from which he specifically derived his name. Pippalad, which originates under this specific place, was named by Lord Brahma after his unique birth place. All the deities blessed all aspects of his life with blessings, making him an eminent and complete devotee.

Through this divine birth, Pippalada experienced absorption into the wonderful soul of Lord Shiva and enjoyed His infinite grace. Thus, the incarnation of Pippalada was a wonderful and sacred moment, enshrining a unique achievement of devotion and divinity.


Maharishi Dadhichi and his wife Suvarcha, both of them were especially ardent devotees of Lord Shiva. His utmost devotion and penance provided him a unique opportunity to enjoy the blessings of God. Lord Shiva, out of admiration for his unmatched devotion, incarnated in the form of Pippalada in the house of Dadhichi Muni.

Pippalada was born under the sacred Peepal tree from which he specifically derived his name. With this unique birth, he was blessed by all the gods and completed his rituals. Maharshi Dadhichi and Suvarcha pleased the Lord with their unmatched devotion, which led them to see this divine incarnation.

Pippalada’s place of birth was under a particular Peepal tree, which serves as his motherland. From this appearance, Lord Brahma named him Pippalada based on that characteristic. All the gods filled his life with blessings and made him a complete devotee.

Through this unique incarnation, Lord Shiva imparted important teachings of devotion, penance, and divinity while taking birth as his supreme devotee. In its wake, the birth of Pippalada comes as a wonderful and religious event, which developed him as an ardent devotee of the Lord.