• Aashutosh

This lovely name denotes someone who is perpetually joyful and content.

  • Abhigamyah

“Abhigamyah” translates to achievable. The name underscores a positive perspective, suggesting that with effort and determination, most goals are within reach.

  • Abhiprayah

The one who confronts those advancing towards the infinite. It signifies someone who stands resolute in the face of boundless journeys, overcoming challenges and uncertainties with strength.

  • Abhiramah

“Abhiramah” means prouder of affection. An individual with this name takes immense pride in expressing affection and nurturing those they care about.

  • Abhivadyah

Someone who is esteemed and honored by everyone. An individual named “Abhivadyah” is held in high regard and universally admired, earning widespread reverence and respect from all who know them.

  • Achalopamah

The name signifies an individual who is motionless and still, characterized by patience. It encapsulates a sense of tranquility and patience, embodying steadfastness and composure even in moments of stillness and prolonged waiting.

  • Achintya

“Achintya” denotes someone who is beyond comprehension. The individual with this name possesses a mind so intricate and profound that it transcends conventional understanding.

  • Adhoksaja

The name means “the creator.” It refers to an individual who is responsible for originating or inventing something significant.

  • Aja

A unisex name signifying someone who is timeless and eternal, existing without a birth.

  • Akshayaguna

An individual with boundless attributes is referred to as “Akshayaguna.” The name characterizes someone who possesses a vast array of qualities, skills, or characteristics without any discernible limit or boundary.

  • Alokah

Transcending the worlds, vision, sight, appearance, glimmer, and aspect, the name encapsulates a transcendental quality that surpasses the physical realms, delving into aspects such as vision, appearance, and subtle nuances like glimmer and aspect.

  • Abhay

The name signifies ‘fearless.’ It holds a profound and rich meaning, combining the awe-inspiring energy of the sun with the transcendental power of the supreme deity.

  • Bhanu

The name signifies ‘a ray of light.’ This name beautifully represents a beam of illumination, embodying brightness, hope, and the potential to bring light to any space or situation.

  • Bhaskar

The name signifies ‘bright and glittering.’ This name encapsulates a sparkling and radiant quality, evoking imagery of brilliance and shimmering luminosity.

  • Balavan

The name signifies someone who is strong. A person named “Bhaskar” possesses remarkable physical or inner strength, displaying resilience, fortitude, and power in various aspects of life.

  • Bhairav

“Bhairav” signifies the one who can conquer fear and is formidable in nature.

  • Bhalanetra

The name signifies a person who possesses the all-seeing eye on their forehead. This imagery is linked to profound awareness and inner vision.

  • Bhavesh

“Bhavesh” means the ‘lord of the world’, a ruler or lord. This name is rich with spiritual and authoritative connotations, representing a leader or lord who holds sway over realms or domains.

  • Bholenath

The name “Bholenath” conveys the meaning of the Lord who is kind-hearted and benevolent toward everyone.

  • Bhudeva

The name “Bhudeva” signifies the Lord of the Earth and all its present natural beings.

  • Bijadhyaksh

The name signifies a person who is responsible for controlling both virtues and vices. This is an excellent name with a B for your baby.

  • Brahman

“Brahman” refers to an individual who is not limited by time and space, considered unreal from the Sruti.

  • Chandrapal

The one who commands the moon and is its master is known as “Chandrapal.”

  • Chiranjeevi

“Chiranjeevi” conveys the meaning of long-lived or immortal. The name suggests a sense of extraordinary longevity, transcending the limitations of mortal existence.

  • Chandraprakash

The name signifies “the light emitted by the moon” and serves as a beautiful choice for your little one.

  • Dayalu

A name that embodies kindness and universal compassion, “Dayalu” is an ideal choice if you seek a short name with D for your child.

  • Devadeva

“Devadeva” signifies the Lord of all Lords, the sovereign ruler of all beings on Earth.

  • Devarshih

The term “divine sage” denotes an individual endowed with extraordinary wisdom, frequently acquired through spiritual or transcendent avenues.

  • Devesh

The name “Devesh” signifies the God of the divines, praised by deities, or the king of the gods.

  • Dhanadeepa

The name “Dhanadeepa” conveys the meaning of the lord of wealth, representing a figure with authority and influence over riches and resources.

  • Dhruvah

The name “Dhruvah” signifies ‘one who is immovable.’ An individual named “Dhruvah” embodies qualities of steadfastness, stability, and resoluteness in character or position.

  • Dhyanadeep

The name “Dhyanadeep” conveys the essence of being the central icon of concentration and meditation.

  • Digambara

“Digambara” refers to the one who wears the skies as his clothes.

  • Duradharsa

The name “Duradharsa” means someone who is impenetrable and incapable of being attacked.

  • Durjaya

The name means an individual who is difficult to conquer or is unvanquished.

  • Durvasah

A person who resides in difficult places like Lord Shiva is known as “Durvasah.”

  • Gajaha

The name “Gajaha” means the Lord who was responsible for slaying the elephants.

  • Gajendra

The one who removed the dangers posed by the Lord of elephants is known as “Gajendra”.

  • Ganakarta

Meaning “creator of the tattvas,” the name “Ganakarta” conveys a profound creative force responsible for shaping the very fabric of the universe.

  • Gandalih

“Gandalih” means the Lord who resides in the mighty hills of the Himalayas.

  • Gangadhara

The name signifies the Sovereign of the majestic and legendary river Ganga, streaming down from the Himalayas.

  • Girijapathi

“Girijapathi” is the Lord Shiva himself or someone who is a consort of the Lord.

  • Girish

The name signifies the God of the mountain, selflessness, and kindness, the lord of speech. A person with this name embodies the strength of mountains, displaying both selflessness and kindness, and possesses eloquent speech.

  • Gopalih

The name “Gopalih” conveys the meaning “protector of senses.” It signifies a role of overseeing and preserving the faculties through which we perceive the world.

  • Gurudev

The name “Gurudev” means the master of all beings.

  • Hara

The one who removes sins from the planet Earth is known as “Hara.”

  • Hutah

The name “Hutah” signifies the individual who is pleased with the offerings given to him.

  • Jagadadhija

The name “Jagadadhija” refers to the one who originated at the beginning of the universe, making it a distinctive and unique choice for your baby.

  • Jagadisha

The name “Jagadishvara” signifies the “master of the universe,” indicating a position of unmatched power and sovereignty.

  • Jatin

The name “Jatin” refers to an individual with matted hair and disciplined conduct.