Bhikshuvarya Avatar – According to religious scriptures, Vidarbha King Satyaratha had a unique experience with righteousness, righteousness and divine powers.

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Vidarbha king was a just and religious king named Satyaratha. During his reign he followed the principles of justice, devotion, and dharma. There came a time when there was no good snowfall in his kingdom, due to which there was increasing sadness among the people. Despite great efforts, King Dharam Gupta could not find a solution to this problem.

One day, Lord Shiva in the form of a sage appeared in the king’s court in his Bhikshuvarya incarnation and asked for alms. Dharma Gupta with his righteousness extended hospitality to this sage and honored him.

Lord Shiva in Bhikshuvarya incarnation showed his true form to the king and taught him the importance of religion and justice. Shiva said that a sacred yagya would have to be performed to bring rain to the king’s kingdom which would please the gods and bring prosperity to the kingdom.

Dharma Gupta conducted the Yagya following the guidance of God, and a miracle happened. Suddenly it rained and the kingdom became prosperous again.

Thus, the Bhikshuvarya incarnation enlightened the king about important principles of dharma and justice and guided him to the prosperity of his kingdom.

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King Satyaratha of Vidarbha was killed by his enemies in his last days. His pregnant wife, who saved her life by hiding from the enemies, went to a safe place in the forest and gave birth to the child in her womb. At this time a sage in the forest, in the form of Lord Shiva, came and asked his wife to stop the music and come to him.

The queen, inspired by the power of this wonderful incarnation of Lord Shiva, proceeded towards the sage’s company and introduced him to the child growing in her womb. God told them that the child was the son of Vidarbha king Satyaratha and his name was Dharmagupta.

After this, the queen came out of the forest, taking Dharmagupta with her to raise. She remained as a beggar and seeing Dharmagupta as a beggar child, people took pity on her and gave her food.

After Dharmagupta grew up, Lord Shiva revealed his true nature and revealed him to be the son of King Satyaratha. He led him to rebuild the kingdom and thus restored his father’s position. After this, King Dharmagupta resolved to run the kingdom on the path of righteousness, justice, and truth and he provided happiness and peace to his people by keeping them alert.


The divine tale speaks of the cosmic protection offered by Lord Shiva, depicting him as the ultimate guardian of the universe. According to ancient scriptures, King Satyaratha of Vidarbha met a tragic fate at the hands of his adversaries. His pregnant queen, in a bid to escape from the clutches of her enemies, sought refuge in the depths of a forest, where she safely delivered a son.

In an unforeseen turn of events, tragedy struck once again when the queen, seeking water from a lake, fell prey to a crocodile. The newborn prince, left orphaned and abandoned, soon found himself in the throes of hunger and thirst. At this crucial juncture, a beggar arrived at the scene, divinely inspired by Lord Shiva.

Assuming the form of a beggar, Lord Shiva revealed the true identity of the child to the beggar and entrusted him with the responsibility of raising the young prince. It was disclosed that the child was none other than the son of King Satyaratha of Vidarbha. Lord Shiva, in his divine wisdom, instructed the beggar to nurture the child, ensuring his well-being and growth.

Under the beggar’s care, the young prince thrived, guarded by the invisible hand of Lord Shiva. As the child matured, the cosmic plan of Lord Shiva unfolded. The divine guidance led the now-grown prince to reclaim his rightful kingdom and avenge the injustices inflicted upon his father. In a spectacular turn of events, he emerged victorious over his enemies, restoring the glory of Vidarbha.

This celestial saga not only showcases the protective role of Lord Shiva but also underscores the divine interventions that shape the destinies of mortals. The benevolent actions of Lord Shiva, reflected through the beggar’s nurturing care, emphasize the overarching presence of the divine in every aspect of life.

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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful lake near the forest where life was alive. One day, the wife of Vidarbha king Satyaratha, who was pregnant, became thirsty. She saw the child moving towards the Sanjeevani water with the child in her womb in her lap. The pregnant woman was tired and so she placed her son on the bank of the lake and herself went to the lake and bent down to drink water.

Then a crocodile, who was present there, considered the queen as his prey and attracted her. The child started crying against his mother as soon as he saw his hunger and thirst. At this time, Lord Shiva carefully observed these events and being merciful, he took pity on the sad condition of the child.

Lord Shiva, appearing in the form of a beggar woman, raised that child and with his Adishakti gave him higher elevation and the ability to perform music. Lord Shiva ordered that beggar woman to take good care of this child and also brought his mother back to life.As soon as the child grew up, by the grace of Lord Shiva, he restored his old kingdom and defeated his enemies.


In the guise of a Bhikshu, Lord Shiva manifested himself to protect an orphaned and virtuous child. The child, having lost both parents, received the divine blessings of Shiva. Under the watchful guidance of the compassionate deity, the child was nurtured and raised with utmost care.

Shiva, in his benevolent Bhikshu form, ensured that the child faced the trials of life with resilience and righteousness. The deity’s divine intervention played a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of the orphan, offering him solace and guidance.

The compassionate Bhikshu not only safeguarded the child from the adversities of the world but also instilled in him values of dharma and devotion. The child, under the divine patronage of Lord Shiva, grew up to embody the principles of righteousness, ultimately becoming a beacon of virtue and goodness.